Contact Cathy

Every voice matters in Amherst. Cathy looks forward to hearing from you!

We hope to build broad support. Join Cathy’s campaign and her efforts to prioritize schools, address climate change, assure accountable spending, improve safety and infrastructure, and ensure that development enhances our downtown, village centers and neighborhoods.

If you support Cathy or want to learn more please let us know how to reach you.

Contact Cathy at:  She can be reached by phone at: 413-549-0119.

If you would like a lawn sign or would like to receive campaign updates and action opportunities, or provide input to the Cathy for Council campaign, click here.

Town Election Dates and Calendar:

  • September 19th: Nomination papers deadline
  • October 27th: Last day to register to vote for Town Election
  • November 7th: VOTE!!!
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